

A small info and DNI

I do not allow this

Ableism (Yes it does include using disorders as insults, trying to trigger someone’s psychosis etc.), saneism, demonisation of cluster b disorders or any "scary" disorders, demonisation or stigmatisation of mental illnesses/psychosis/disorders/disabilities, fakeclaim, general nastinessQueermisia (queerphobia), flag or sexual/romantic/tertiary orientation discourse, flag discourse, exorsexism (anti enby), intersexism (anti intersex), anti xenogender, anti neogenderCalling the vincian/gay flag the “toothpaste” flag (Grow up) and/or spreading misinformation about the vincian/gay flagCatcalling, think it is okay to harass minors or anyone in general, harassing me or my alters in general, harassing individuals for their hobbies (geek, furry etc.)People harassing me for being uncomfortable with loli/shota/kodo/cub and/or harass me for being uncomfortable with feral NSFW
General nasty people
People who send unsolicited gore (fictional AND/OR IRL) to people to trigger people


General DNI criteria (rightwinger, nazi, fascist, prolife, anti antifa, antisemite, racist, xenophobe, ableist, saneist, anti-recovery, anti-therapy, pro eating disorders, pro self harm, fatmisic/fatphobic, queermisic/queerphobic, anti polyam/polygam, queer exclusionist, against complicated/complex identities/orientations, trans exclusionist, truscum/transmed/trumed, think cis/cisgender is a slur, think endosex/perisex is a slur, think that nonbinary men or nonbinary women are binary women/men, treat nonbinary individuals as diet men/women, exclusionists in general, terf, swerf, tirf, tehm, febfem, radfem, anti kink, anti-sex, anti sexworker, purity culture, purity politics, misogynist, anti feminist, consume/draw feral nsfw, consume/draw kodocon/lolicon/shotacon, proship/comship/neuship/neufic/comfic/profic)Engage in mostly or interacting 95% of your time with discourse (syscourse "system discourse", disability discourse and queer discourse)Xenosatanists, pro/neu/comp contact zooph/necro/"MAP"/"YAP"/PEAR, AAM, consang
Think that fiction can't or doesn’t affect reality (Because it can)
Or if you are neutral or support everything on this list
These are my boundaries, please respect them
And especially don't interact with me if you're going to be rude or creepy

Yes I know that fiction is fiction, it however doesn't make me any less uncomfotable

Small about

I am Denny, I am a disabled, fat, alt (goth emo punk grunge), metalhead, intersex butch enby trans guy, mspec + aspec, neurodivergent and autistic, I am mentally unwell (won't list my disorders & things in here) and I have DID and have to deal with memory loss, extreme trust issues, chronic fatigue, chronic illness and chronic pain as well, I am born and raised in swedenNot sure about my faith other than I am a filthy heathen (experimenting atm)I and our system do spoon theory as well as fork theory!I tend to draw and animate at times when I have enough spoons, I also write stuff and make music (I at least try to, I tend to forget to upload art and animations at times due to memory loss and being confused)I really like horror, especially horror movies from early 2000’s to the 1920’s
I collect things like Furbies, Zhu Zhu Pets, Care Bears, My Little Pony, seashells, rocks, gem stones and hamster animatronics
I am a yumedanshi and I have a lot of selfinsert shipsI am cringe but free as other people sayI'm not afraid to make new friends

I don’t care if you think I'm cringe, you can go somewhere else and mind your own buisness rather than mock and bully me /gen